Result codes

Meaning of validated emails statuses


Last Update 3 tahun yang lalu


Valid emails has been verified as existing adresses that can receive emails. You can send email to this address safely and without bounces.

SEND – these emails exist and can be used without bounce risks.


Invalid email is recognized as non-existent address that can't accept emails. Sending emails to such recipients will cause bounces.

DON'T SEND - these emails do not exist and will cause a bounce.


Temporary accounts created at such services as Guerilla Mail, Mailinator or Airmail etc. to avoid registration or using real personal account.

DON’T SEND – fake or temporary emails will cause bounces and poison sending campaign.


Domains with this settings reporting all emails on it as an Accept All, also known as Catch-All. There is no reliable way to determine whether this email is valid or invalid, but oftentimes these are infact valid emails.

SEND – but only if you have a dedicated email server with your own IPs.

DON’T SEND – if you use a third party email provider that requires a bounce rate below 4%.


Our system unable to definitively determine this email’s status. Oftentimes can be caused by the domain and/or server that is not responding to our requests. This may be due to an issue with their internal network or expired domain names.

Please note that unknown status can be temporary. Overloaded servers or network issues can be fixed in the future and 'give back' lot of valid emails.

SEND – if you have a dedicated email server with your own IPs.

DON’T SEND – if you use a third party email provider that requires a bounce rate below 4%.

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